How to set up Prettier On a Laravel App, Linting Tailwind Class Order and More
How to Trigger a Webhook on a Schedule Using GitHub Actions
How to Separate (and Skip) Laravel Jetstream's Tests
Optimizing Vue for Speed, Performance, and Core Web Vitals
How to post to Twitter from your Laravel app using Zapier
How to Use Takeout to Add New Services to Laravel Sail and Save RAM
How to Build and Autoload Your Own PHP Package Locally
How I use my Stream Deck for streaming on Twitch and YouTube
How to get started live streaming on Twitch and YouTube
Making the Best of a Less-Than-Ideal Remote Work Environment
Setting Up Your Webcam, Lights, and Audio for Remote Work, Podcasting, Videos, and Streaming
Why You Shouldn't Always Ignore Trolls
Introducing Laravel Vapor, a serverless hosting platform
A quick introduction to command-line development with Composer
It Takes a Village to Write a Book
Introducing Laravel Telescope
Introducing Laravel Nova: A Tool for Building Admin Panels and Custom CMSes
Testing with a MySQL 5.7 Database On Codeship
Enterprise Laravel Help Me: White-Labeled Clothing Stores
How to count the number of lines of code in a PHP project
Creating Multiple Windows for Slack on Your Mac Using Single-Site Browsers
Adding an Auto-Generated Sitemap to Your Jigsaw-based Static Site
Refactoring Vue: Cleaning Up a List of Posts With Better Component Splitting and More ES6
Matt's Magical Finance Plan for 20- and 30-somethings
Controlling LIFX lights with your (Laravel or other) web applications
Real-time (automatic) Facades in Laravel 5.4
Laravel Collections’ higher order messaging and "when" method in Laravel 5.4
Introducing Laravel’s tap, “higher order” tap, and collection tap
Introducing Laravel Horizon - a Dashboard for your Queues
New Laravel 5.5 Features: Recap from Laracon US 2017
Lambo "config" and "after" scripts for even better quick Laravel app creation
What packages do you install on every Laravel application you create?
Elsewhere: A brief introduction to Progressive Web Apps
What happens to Laravel if Taylor Otwell disappears?
How to set up your Laravel application for zero-downtime (Envoyer/Capistrano) deploys
Removing all Vue dependencies from Laravel
How to work with Google Spreadsheets in PHP
Introducing Laravel Mix (new in Laravel 5.4)
Moving tech forward with Gomix, Express, and Google Spreadsheets
Introducing Laravel Dusk (new in Laravel 5.4)
Defining console commands via closure in Laravel 5.3
What to do when your Linux web server says it's out of space--but it isn't (inodes and linux headers, oh my!)
How to contribute (via pull request) to an open-source GitHub project using your own fork
Update to queue workers in Laravel 5.3
Using Vue in Laravel 5.3, with the Vue bootstrap and sample component
A little trick for grouping fields in an HTML form
Laravel: Up & Running is launched and available for order!
The new Notification system in Laravel 5.3
What's up with Laravel: Up and Running?
Directory structure changes in Laravel 5.3
Introducing Mailables in Laravel 5.3
Introducing Laravel Passport
Introducing Laravel Scout
5.3 feature announcement notes from Laracon
Routing changes in Laravel 5.3
Customizing pagination templates in Laravel 5.3
Image dimension validation rules in Laravel 5.3
New JSON-column where() and update() syntax in Laravel 5.3
Advanced operations with Collection::where in Laravel 5.3
The new cache() global helper in Laravel 5.3
Customizing additional parameters in FirstOrCreate in Laravel 5.3
The new $loop variable in Laravel 5.3
Introducing Laravel Echo: An In-Depth Walk-Through
Things I didn't know Laravel could do
Why I wrote my book with O'Reilly
Using SparkPost for Transactional emails with Laravel
Getting started using Vue's Vue-router for single page apps
How to use Vueify, ES2015, and Browserify on your Vue projects with Laravel Elixir
How I created a password-less, email-only authentication system in Laravel
How to merge only specific commits from a pull request with git cherry-pick
"Strict" mode and other MySQL customizations in Laravel 5.2
All My Projects: Asking for Open-Source Help
An introduction to Statamic v2 beta, a Laravel-based flat-file CMS
Multiple authentication guard drivers (including API) in Laravel 5.2
The auth scaffold in Laravel 5.2
How to disable MySQL strict mode on Laravel Forge (Ubuntu)
Middleware groups in Laravel 5.2
API rate limiting in Laravel 5.2
Implicit route model binding in Laravel 5.2
Form array validation in Laravel 5.2
Writing a case-insensitive orderBy filter with VueJS
Live coding as I learn Vue.js
Taking Control of Your JavaScript Objects With the Revealing Module Pattern
Environment specific variables in Laravel's testing environment
Creating custom @requires annotations for PHPUnit
Custom conditionals with Laravel's Blade Directives
How to Apply for a Web Developer Job at Tighten (and How Not To)
Environment-Specific Configuration for CraftCMS Using PHPDotEnv
Introducing Laravel Spark: A Deep Dive
ACL (Access Control List) Authorization in Laravel 5.1
Restoring lost InnoDB MySQL databases after all data and hope was lost with DROP TABLES
Login Throttling in Laravel 5.1
Using Github authentication for login with Laravel Socialite
Excluding Routes from the CSRF Middleware in Laravel 5.1
Sublime Text (3) for PHP Developers
Better Integration Testing in Laravel 5.1: DatabaseMigrations, DatabaseTransactions, and WithoutMiddleware
Better Integration Testing in Laravel 5.1: Model Factories
Better Integration Testing in Laravel 5.1: Powerful Integration Tests in A Few Lines
Advanced input & output with Artisan commands, tables, & progress bars in Laravel 5.1
Creating Artisan commands with the new, simpler syntax in Laravel 5.1
Passing parameters to Middleware in Laravel 5.1
Injecting an object (from the IOC) using Laravel Blade Service Injection
Creating a welcome series (drip campaign) for your Sendy newsletter
Installing Sendy (for emails) on Laravel Forge
Installing an in-development version of Laravel
Applying an SSL cert to a Laravel Forge site's www. domain
Laravel/Symfony, Angular, CORS, Blocked PUT/PATCH/DELETE, X-HTTP-Method-Override, and net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE
Broadcasting events with & in Laravel 5.1
Generating synonymous, Heroku-style, server names with Lumen
Introducing Lumen from Laravel
The little, oft-unrecognized, Laravel goodies
Enabling Gzip on Nginx servers (including Laravel Forge)
Conditionally Loading Service Providers in Laravel 5
Convert Laravel 5's Frontend Scaffold to Bower
Export an Eloquent Collection to a CSV with League CSV
Rapid Application Development - From Idea to Prototype in 1:45 with Laravel
Laravel 5.0 - Eloquent Attribute Casting
How to Organize Class Namespaces
A Brief Introduction to PHP Namespacing
Laravel 5.0 - Custom Error Pages
Laravel 5.0 - Generating Missing Events
Extending Laravel's Application
Laravel 5.0 - Events & Handlers
Bringing Whoops Back to Laravel 5
Upgrading from Laravel 4 to Laravel 5
Scheduling posts with Sculpin (and other static site generators)
Laravel 5.0 - Commands & Handlers
Installing a fresh Craft CMS Installation on Laravel Forge
Starting a blog with Sculpin on Laravel Forge
Podcasts and Vlogs, oh my!
Laravel 5.0 - Event Scheduling
Introducing Laravel Homestead 2.0
Using PHP-CS-Fixer to fix up your PHP code
Laravel 5.0 - Environment Detection & Environment Variables
Laravel 5.0 - Event Annotations (removed)
Laravel 5.0 - Middleware (Filter-style)
Laravel 5.0 - Route Annotations (removed)
Nesting Sass @imports, with BEM
Laravel 5.0 - Method Injection
Laravel 5.0 - Cloud File Drivers
Laravel Forge - Global Recipes & the FastCGI Nginx Update
Laravel Forge - Fixing the CVE-2014-6271 Bash Vulnerability
Laravel 5.0 - Route Caching
Laravel Forge - Forge Plus and Circles
Laravel 5.0 - Directory structure and namespace
Laravel 5.0 - Form Requests
Laravel 5.0 - ValidatesWhenResolved
Thoughts after Laracon Eu
Laracon Eu Talk: Sharing Laravel: Bringing Laravel's Best Assets to Any Project
"Illuminating" non-Laravel projects
Squashing git commits with Interactive Rebase
Organizing CSS: OOCSS, SMACSS, and BEM
Syncing remote Craft sites to your development machine
Laravel Forge - Hosting on AWS
Screencast: Converting a flattened PDF to HTML/CSS in 45 minutes
Screencast: Ionic Framework Demo
Laravel Forge - Using Recipes
Laravel on Heroku - Using a Buildpack locally to mimic your Heroku environment (Nginx)
Laravel Forge - Wildcard Subdomains
Laravel Forge - Password Protect a Folder
Using a Procfile to streamline your local development
Laravel Forge - Adding an SSL Cert
Laravel Forge - Scheduling a Cron Job
Setting up a new (OS X) development machine: Part 2 - Global Package Managers
Setting up a new (OS X) development machine: Part 3 - Dotfiles and custom SSH config
Setting up a new (OS X) development machine: Part 1 - Core Files and Custom Shell
Laravel Forge - Adding a Queue Worker with Beanstalkd
Laravel Forge - Using Environment Variables for Environment Detection
Laravel Forge - Logging With Papertrail
Getting your first site up and running in Laravel Forge
Laravel on Heroku - Using a PostgreSQL database
Laravel on Heroku - Using a MySQL database
Installing a Laravel app on Heroku
Markedstyle: Managing Styles for Marked With Laravel
Download Latest SQL Backup Every Day
Even shorter ternary operators in PHP using ?:
Falling in love with PHP--again
What is an accidental bootstrap founder?
For quick links to fresh content, and for more thoughts that don't make it to the blog.